Seed Box Concept


We've come up with a new idea for packaging our SK8Glasses™ and it's the perfect way to keep the SK8Glasses™ cycle going.

No other sunglasses have a story like ours. They started life as a tree, then they became a skateboard. And now they're back… as SK8Glasses™. But what happens to the packaging? When you get your SK8Glasses™ in the mail, what do you do with the box? Well, usually you'd throw it away, but not anymore!

Here's the idea: Our boxes will be made out of biodegradable cardboard material, and maple seeds will be sewn throughout. So once you take your SK8Glasses™ out of the box, instead of throwing it away, you can go out into your yard, dig a hole, and plant this box! With a lot of sunshine, some water, and whole lot of love, you'll be growing a maple tree in no time, and continuing the SK8Glasses™ cycle!